Theatre Director, Playwright & Creative Director.
some of my work
by Jorge Schultz
Directing a cooking recipe book as a love letter to Latin America. Sabor, /saˈboɾ/, taste. Welcome to the most delicious show on the nourishment of Latin American people--to taste different flavours of life, to try out tempting spices of relationships, and to stir up a new experience of joy, sorrow, love, and pain.
(The Tech Rehearsal)
inspire by Anton Chekhov play
Putting on a show takes time, effort, and for the stars to align. Many of the characters in The Seagull know this or learn this truth in their own artistic and romantic pursuits.
inspired by "God" by Woody Allen
This staging, inspired by the comedy "God" by Woody Allen, breaks all the conventions of a theatrical production and laughs at the limits of reality. An author and an actor discuss how to finish their play.